In the Arctic, the sea ice volume 9-yr average reached a new record low this week due to climate change. The new milestone was 14.0 thousand km³. Interestingly, 2011 was the first time the 1-yr average went below 14 thousand km³, and now we know that the average for those 9 years — 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 — starting in 2011, is also 14 thousand km³.
Will the 9 years starting in 2017 — the first with a 1-yr average sea ice volume lower than 13 thousand km³ — average at 13 thousand km³ or lower? We won’t know for sure until 2025. But we do know we’re in post–tipping point non–linear collapse.

A: Here: Arctic Sea Ice Volume for October 2019 from PIOMAS
Q: How can anyone make a 9–year average graph?
A: Easy. Use a computer. Add all the ice for the latest 9×365 days, divide by that number of days.
Q: Why would I even do that?
A: Let’s say you want to know how much ice we have in the latest 9–year period compared to the 9–year periods before that.
Due in large part to ongoing Collapse of Arctic Sea Ice our Frozen Earth is Going South.

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