2007 Destroyed on August 1 | Arctic Sea Ice Volume

Friday daily Arctic sea ice volume was already lower than the September minimums of 33 years; 1979–2009 + 2014–15, with about 40 more melt days to go. 2019 Melt Season average is 2nd lowest. Ten–Year Trend though, is still very stubbornly all–time low. Interestingly, the once record low shocker 2007 was crushed by 2019 as …

Sea Ice Volume Minimum | Top 5

Arctic sea ice volume went below 6 thousand km³ record early (just as for 10, 9, 8 & 7). Chart shows we have until August 13th to beat the 2012 record for first below 5. Due in large part to ongoing Collapse of Arctic Sea Ice our Frozen Earth is Going South.

Annual Average Sea Ice Extent

The 365–day running average for sea ice extent is now lower than 9.91 million km² and dropping by about 52 thousand km² per month. The prognosis suggests 2019 may go 2nd lowest on record for all–year average. Due in large part to ongoing Collapse of Arctic Sea Ice our Frozen Earth is Going South.